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The Navtalks is a series of informal talks given by Navigators members or some special guests about every two-weeks at Ciências, ULisboa.

Please check out the schedule in our public NavTalks Google Calendar (you can also subscribe through its ICAL link).

scheduled next to be defined

Spring'17 Presentations
Date Speaker Title
Room 6.1.25
José Rufino The (Hidden) Potential of Non-Intrusive Runtime Verification
slides paper
Inês Gouveia Enforcing Safety and Security Through Non-Intrusive Runtime Verification
slides paper
Room 6.2.46
Altair Santin
(guest speaker)
João Sousa -
08/02 Tiago Oliveira -
Max Alaluna -
22/02 Nuno Neves -
Adriano Serckumecka -
TBD Pedro Ferreira -
Bruno Vavala -
TBD Miguel Falé -
Henrique Mendes Eunice Branco -
TBD António Casimiro -
Eunice Branco -
TBD Bruno Nunes -
Pedro Alves -
TBD Rui Marques -
Fabio Pereira -
TBD Diogo Pinto -
João Silva -
TBD João Paulino -
Gonçalo Reis -

Fall'16 Presentation A Presentation B
Date Speaker Title Speaker Title
06/10 Eric Vial Packet Manipulation Tools for Linux
Ricardo Fonseca Securing SDN-based monitoring - obstacles and learned insights
20/10 Fernando Ramos No more excuses: it’s time to secure BGP!
Miguel Garcia On the Origin of Diversity, by Means of Cluster Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured OSes in the Struggle for Dependability
03/11 Alysson Bessani Dependable Storage and Computing using Multiple Cloud Providers
Túlio Ribeiro Floodlight Tracing, Durable and Fault Tolerant
18/11 Vinicius Cogo Getting Started on LSH
Ricardo Mendes Janus: User-defined Cloud-backed Storage
02/12 Pedro Costa Chrysaor: Fine-Grained, Fault-Tolerant Cloud-of-Clouds MapReduce
Diogo Duarte (to be rescheduled)
Fernando Alves Machine Learning with Big Data - Specialized distributed systems for machine learning purposes
Ibéria Medeiros Attacks, you shall not pass! SEPTIC will not avail you.

For past years, please check out our archive.

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