“Design and implementation of a modular scheduling simulator for aerospace applications”

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Rui Ormonde Silveira (advised by José Rufino, João Pedro Craveiro)

Master’s thesis, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2012

Abstract: Real-time systems are required to produce results from each task in time, according to the urgency of each one. Since the 1970s researchers try to obtain ways to coordinate the execution of tasks to meet all deadline, by using scheduling algorithms. Although the majority of these algorithms required an extensive work from those who created them, they are simple to understand. One of the oldest is the Earliest Deadline First algorithm, which attributes higher priority to the most urgent tasks. Due to their characteristics, some systems obey to more complex models; this is the case of aerospace systems. These systems require full isolation between functionalities. The functions, composed of tasks (processes), are logically grouped into partitions. To ensure separation in the time domain, a two level scheduling scheme is introduced. The first level determinates the time windows to assign to each partition; in the second level, tasks in each partition compete among them for the execution time assigned to the latter. The scheduling algorithms used in each level do not need to be the same; in the second level, each partition may even employ a different algorithm to schedule its tasks. After studying what currently exists we have decided to guide our work to partitions and hierarchical scheduling because it is where we see producing better results and solutions for future systems. Using design patterns as well as Java properties such as inheritance and polymorphism we were able to obtain a solution that after implemented allows users to simulate the execution of a system defined by them. The tool allows obtaining events and showing them to the user and giving feedback, these events represent the basic functionalities of a real-time system, such as, job launch and jod deadline miss and others. These results can be shown in textual form or use other applications of results visualization.

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Project(s): Project:SAPIENT

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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