“ARINC 653 Interface in RTEMS”

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José Rufino, Sérgio Filipe, Manuel Coutinho, Sérgio Santos, James Windsor

in Proceedings of the DASIA 2007 "Data Systems in Aerospace" Conference, Napoli, Italy, May/June 2007., May 2007.

Abstract: The ARINC 653 specification is assuming a key role in the provision of a standard operating system interface for safety-critical applications in the aeronautic market and it is foreseen to acquire a similar status on the space market. The ARINC 653 application interface is independent from the underlying hardware and from a given operating system implementation. This paper describes how RTEMS, the Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems, can be adapted to offer the application interface and the functionality required by the ARINC 653 standard. The use of RTEMS is highly relevant given its qualification for on-board software of unmanned space programs.

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Project(s): Project:AIR

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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