“Control of Inaccessibility in CANELy”

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José Rufino, Paulo Veríssimo, Guilherme Arroz, Carlos Almeida

in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS06), Torino, Italy, June, 2006., Jun. 2006.

Abstract: Continuity of service and bounded and known message delivery latency, are reliability requirements of a number of real-time applications, such as those served by standard fieldbuses. The analysis and design of such network w.r.t. timing properties has traditionally been based on no-fault scenarios, rather than under a combined performance and reliability perspective. We have shown in earlier works that the performability of fieldbuses in normal operations is hindered by periods of inaccessibility. These derive from incidents in the protocol operation that affect non-faulty components, leading to failures of the expected hard real-time properties of the network. This is specially relevant if the fieldbus supports critical control functions, as it does in many application settings (e.g. industrial, automotive, avionics, aerospace). As part of our endeavor to design a CAN-based infrastructure capable of extremely reliable communication, dubbed CAN Enhanced Layer (CANELy), this paper provides a detailed analysis of CAN behavior in the presence of inaccessibility, discussing a generic and efficient methodology to enforce system correctness in the time-domain, despite the occurrence of network errors.

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Project(s): Project:DARIO

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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