“VITRAL: A text mode windows manager for RTEMS”

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Manuel Coutinho, José Rufino, Carlos Almeida

in Actas das Terceiras Jornadas de Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações e de Computadores (JETC05), Novembro 2005., Nov. 2005.

Abstract: Most embedded control applications consist of several different tasks that need to be executed in a concurrent fashion and usually have real-time requirements. In some cases, these applications need to interact with the real-world, performing input/output operations through a set of devices such as sensors and actuators, but they may also need to interact with human users. This interaction, if not bounded, may jeopardize the system timeliness. Due to the basic requirements of these applications (concurrent tasks, real-time, input/output event handling), multitasking real-time kernels are a fundamental component to support their development. One example of such a real-time kernel is RTEMS, the Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems, which is a well-known, real-time multitasking kernel, with a modular architecture, offering interesting characteristics to support the development of real-time embedded control applications. The standard RTEMS visual interface lacks clarity and quality of data presentation to the user. The VITRAL (Portuguese word for Stained Glass Window) driver is a simple yet reliable multiple text windows manager. It is compatible with standard input/output calls (stdio library) where each window can read from the keyboard and write to the output. To prevent event overload, VITRAL provides a protective mechanism to limit the rate of processed keyboard interruptions.

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Project(s): Project:DARIO

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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