“Adaptability Support in Time- and Space-Partitioned Aerospace Systems”

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João Craveiro, José Rufino

in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2010.

Abstract: The AIR (ARINC 653 in Space Real-Time Operating System) technology targets modern aerospace systems, where the concepts of time- and space-partitioning are applied. AIR features advanced timeliness control and adaptation mechanisms in its design, such as mode-based schedules, process deadline violation monitoring, and protection against event overload. The timing parameters of a space mission may vary throughout time, according to its mode/phase of operation, and the spacecraft may be exposed to unpredictable events and failures. In this paper we explore the adaptation potential of the advanced features included in AIR, analysing their code complexity (which influences software verification, validation and certification efforts) and computational complexity (which correlates to the temporal overhead impact on the system), and discussing how they can be applied to provide more adaptive, reconfigurable and self-adaptive AIR-based systems.

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Project(s): Project:AIR-II

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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