“Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization in CAN”

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Luís Rodrigues, M. Guimarães, José Rufino

in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 1998.

Abstract: This paper presents a new fault-tolerant clock synchronization algorithm designed for the Controller Area Network (CAN). The algorithm provides all correct processes of the system with a global timebase, despite the occurrence of faults in the network or in a minority of processes. Such global time-frame is a requirement of many distributed real- time control systems. Designing protocols for CAN is justified by the increasing use of this network in industrial automation applications. CAN owns a number of unique properties that can be used to improve the precision and performance of a clock synchronization algorithm. Unfortunately, some of its features also make the implementation of a fault-tolerant clock synchronization service a non-trivial task. Our algorithm addresses both the positive and the negative aspects of CAN.

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Project(s): Project:Delta-4, Project:DARIO

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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