“Especificação de Replicação Máquina de Estados Dinâmica”

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Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Alysson Bessani, João Sousa

in XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, Jun. 2016.

Abstract: State Machine Replication is an approach widely used to implement fault-tolerant systems. The idea behind this approach is to replicate the servers and to coordinate the interactions among clients and servers replicas, making all of these replicas present the same state evolution. Although some systems implement a reconfigurable RME, this approach has not yet been fully specified. In this sense, this paper specifies the properties and the assumptions that are necessary to a reconfigurable RME. Moreover, it presents a protocol that satisfies these properties and an experimental evaluation that shows the practical feasibility of this approach.

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Research line(s): Fault and Intrusion Tolerance in Open Distributed Systems (FIT)

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