“From static to dynamic protocols: adapting timeouts for improved performance”

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António Casimiro, Mônica Dixit

in I Workshop on Autonomic Distributed Systems (WoSIDA'11), May 2011.

Abstract: In asynchronous systems subject to process and network failures, distributed protocols often use more or less explicit timeouts to achieve progress. Since safety properties are guaranteed independently of the specific timeout value, timeout selection tends to be seen as an implementation detail. However, when network delays are unstable and susceptible to network contention, such as in wireless environments, it becomes important to dynamically adapt timeout values in order to address performance concerns. In this paper we discuss the problem of transforming static timeout-based protocols into dynamic ones, which can autonomically and dynamically select timeout values for improved performance. We propose a methodological approach and we present an example that illustrates how the methodology applies in practice.

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Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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