Instructions for obtaining xamp-v3.2 source code ------------------------------------------------ 1. Download the following files in this directory: - bin-crypt.c - makekey.c - xamp-v3.2.tgz.crypt 2. Build the two binaries bin-crypt and makekey: $ make bin-crypt $ make makekey 3. Run the following command to unencrypt the xamp file: $ bin-crypt < xamp-v3.2.tgz.crypt > xamp-v3.2.tgz Enter key: Enter the key 4. Uncompress and untar the tgz file using GNU tar $ tar zxvf xamp-v3.2.tgz 4. That's all --------- NOTE 1: If you already have the binary makekey in your system you may use it. NOTE 2: The makekey.c file was modified to compile correctly under Linux. NOTE 3: In Solaris the tar command may not recognize the uncompress option. If this is your case you must uncompress the file using GNU unzip and then untar it using the standard tar $ mv xamp-v3.2.tgz xamp-v3.2.tar.gz $ gunzip xamp-v3.2.tar.gz $ tar xvf xamp-v3.2.tar --------- If you run into trouble please contact Good luck!