Thou Shalt Not Trust non-Trustworthy Systems

Paulo Esteves Veríssimo

Keynote at the Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN2006), with the 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006), Lisboa, Portugal, July 2006.


Computer systems and ICT at large (information and communication technologies) are on the verge of a strange era that calls for paradigms reconciling uncertainty with predictability. Grand challenges require drastic changes, and they are happening: in the hybrid, dynamic and decentralised way we start looking at system design, once quite homogeneous, static, centralised, and in the cross-fertilising way we now look at previously disjoint scientific fields. Two issues are discussed in this paper that are central to modern design of dependable and secure dynamic distributed systems: the confluence between classical dependability and security, met essentially but not only by the concept of common ’accidental fault and malicious intrusion tolerance’; and the necessary but often forgotten link between trust (dependence or belief on some system’s properties) and trustworthiness (the merit of that system to be trusted, the degree to which it meets those properties, or its dependability).



 author = {Paulo Ver\'{\i}ssimo},

 title = {Thou Shalt Not Trust non-Trustworthy Systems},
booktitle = "Keynote at the Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN2006), with the 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006)",
year = {2006},


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