Critical Utility Infrastructure Resilience

G. Dondossola, G. Deconinck, F. Di Giandomenico, S. Donatelli, M. Kaaniche, P. Veríssimo

In Workshop on Security and Networking in Critical Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CRTES'06), with RTAS'06, San Jose, California, USA, April 2006.


The problem of resilience of Internet-oriented critical information infrastructures is not completely understood, mainly due to the hybrid composition of these infrastructures: SCADA systems; corporate intranets; Internet. Originally designed to work in a closed environment, SCADA systems became progressively open and exposed to all sorts of threats. We try to equate the problem by defining a model of modern utilities distributed systems architecture, devising adequate protection solutions such as mechanisms and protocols, and evaluating the fault/failure scenarios before and after the solutions.



 author = {G. Dondossola, G. Deconinck, F. Di Giandomenico, S. Donatelli, M. Kaaniche, P. Ver\'{\i}ssimo},

 title = {Critical Utility Infrastructure Resilience},
booktitle = "In Workshop on Security and Networking in Critical Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CRTES'06), with RTAS'06",
year = {2006},


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